Sunday, April 21, 2013

4 Ingredient PROTEIN Cookies!

Here it is!  Same recipe as Friday - 2 ingredient cookies....but this time with PROTEIN!  Yeah!  This recipe makes 16 cookies for small protein treats - BUT heres a GREAT TIP!:

  • Make it a MEAL!  Do 4-8 cookies depending on your calorie needs for a breakfast meal with protein/fat and carbs!  YUM!
  • Example: 5 of 16 cookies = 251 calories/3.5g fat/36.5g carbs/21.9g protein

2 bananas, mashed with spoon at bottom of bowl
1 cup instant oats (or blend old fashioned oats in a blender)
1/2 cup Liquid egg whites (or 3 egg whites)
1 scoop protein powder
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Mash bananas in the bottom of a bowl until smooth.  Stir together oats, protein and cinnamon and fold in.  Pour egg whites in - combine until moist and completely combined like a cookie dough.

Roll into ball shape and press into flat discs on sprayed foil covering cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes (more moist cookies at 12 minutes, crispy at 15)

Nutritional Info: (Serving Size is one cookie)
Yields 16 Cookies


**Try them with a glass of cold Unsweetened Almond Milk!  No sugar, 2.5g healthy fats and 35 calories for an entire cup!

Try a few Healthy Add-Ins like:
2 TBS chopped Plum Azins (dried chopped plums - no sugar added)
2 TBS chopped nuts (for a little healthy fat!)
1 TBS almond or peanut butter (make some peanut butter oatmeal cookies!)

Happy and HEALTHY eating!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog and love it!!! I am a young mother of 3 and i am looking for help to lose the weight i have gained over that time. I have a lot to lose and was wondering how i can be in touch with you. Do you help with meal/workout plans? Thanks
